All commissions request must be done by mail to [email protected]
I won't start the process until I have received a mail containing a quick description of the scene, the character reference and the style/type of art you wish for.

Commissions pricing

The prices described here are defined as a guideline for the work's estimation. Prices may vary depending on the reel complexity/content of the scene. Additional fees based on percent of the price are computed in the same order as in the table.For example, the price for an NSFW full body, fully rendered drawing of a simple character in a fairly simple background (let's say a simple room with a bed, a window and a nightstand) is computed like this:
Full Rendered Half body (65€) --------------- 65€
+ Extra NSFW (15€) ------------------------- 80€
+ Extra Background (30% of 80€ ~> 24€) ----- 104€

TypeContentLine ArtFlat Colored / GrayscaleFull Render
PortraitA drawing of one character's face, down to the shoulders.30€40€50€
Half-BodyA drawing of one character down to the hips40€50€65€
Full-BodyA drawing of one character from head to toes.50€60€75€
Reference SheetTwo full body and three portrait of the same character on the same page.110€140€-
Extra NSFWAdd Adult or Explicit Content to the drawing+10€+15€+15€
Extra CharactersAdd another character to the drawing. Price may depends on how much the extras are visible.+20% per character+30% per character+30% per character
Complex CharactersExtra pricing for each characters with a complex design+10% per character+15% per character+15% per character
Extra BackgroundAdd some background to the drawing. Price will depends on the complexity.+10~30%+20~40%+30~60%

Commissions Guideline

I reserve the right to decline all commissions/alterations not following this guideline. In any doubt, ask me directly via DM or mail and we’ll discuss it.

General Guideline:

  1. No underage, minor or underage-looking characters.

  2. All character designs, poses and actions must be explicitly acknowledged by their respective owners if different from the client.

  3. If you want to gift art of someone else's OC to them, I need at least an email from them saying they trust your judgment on the matter.

  4. Complex character designs may add a fee.

Adult/Explicit Content Guideline:

  1. In addition to the General Guidelines, Adult and Explicit content need to follow these guidelines:

  2. Everything must be consensual.

  3. No extreme fetishes (Vore, WS, scat….) or Gore content

  4. All characters partaking in sexual content must pass the Harkness test and the final piece needs to show it explicitly.

  5. Even if they pass the Harkness test, no bestiality. If your character is not quite ‘feral’ nor perfectly anthropomorphic (a quadruped dragon with human mannerisms and expressions for example), ask away!

Commissions process

  1. All commission requests must be done via mail on this address: [email protected]. I can be contacted via other methods, but I’ll only begin to work once I’ve received an email. The requests must contain a quick description of the scene, character reference (one or multiple images containing at least a frontal and side view of the character) and the style/type of art you want. I will contact you within a week to validate and negotiate the finer details then.

  2. Complexity fee may be applied on characters with complex details (extra-limbs, large wings, complex shape/clothes…).

  3. I reserve the right to decline requests that don’t align with my artistic style or content guideline.

  4. Once validated, I will contact you with a quick sketch of the final drawing within a month and a Paypal invoice for the deposit.

Payment and Refunds

  1. All prices are displayed and negotiated in euros.

  2. A deposit equal to half of the final piece price is required upfront before the work begins. The other half will be paid once the artwork is finished and before the reception of the final full-resolution untagged image. In case you refuse to pay the remaining balance, I will archive the artwork and refuse other commissions from you until your debt is paid.

  3. Refunds are considered on a case-to-case basis. Once I have begun to work on your artwork, no refunds of the deposits will be available.

Artistic License and Revision

  1. I retain artistic freedom in interpreting the commissions, adhering to the provided guideline

  2. Reasonable revisions are allowed during specific stages of the commissions:

  1. Detailed Sketch: 2 Major alterations (75% of artwork).

  2. Line Art: 3 Minor alterations (20% artwork).

  3. Color and Render: No more alterations.

  1. If there are additional alterations, I may apply an alteration fee depending on the complexity of it.

  2. Once completed, no more modifications can be made to the artwork.

Right and Usage

  1. By default, all commissioned artworks are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

  2. Artist’s right: I retain the right to display commissioned work on my portfolio and on my social platforms. A delay or a specific date can be agreed upon before I display the commissioned piece.

  3. Client’s right: Clients have the right to use the commissioned artwork for personal use only like sharing or displaying it.

  4. Usage of the commissioned artwork as crypto-currency, NFT or crypto-art is forbidden.

  5. Usage of the commissioned artwork in AI dataset is forbidden.

  6. Unless a Commercial license has been purchased, no commercial usage of the art can be done as defined by the CC License.

Agreement of terms:

  1. By paying the deposit, the client acknowledges and agrees to these terms of service.

  2. In the case of a breach of this agreement, I will cease all ongoing artwork for the Client until a common ground is found via discussion. Multiple breaches or repeated violations will end in a Blacklisting of the client and erasing of all unfinished artwork digital files.

What is the Harkness test?

The Harkness test is a simple test created to define if a creature can consent to sexual relations. It is composed of three questions:
- Does it have at least human intelligence?
- Can it talk or communicate with language?
- Is it of sexual maturity for his species?
For example, does a drawing of John the 2000-year-old magical dragon pass the test?
- Questionable: Dragons can be seen as feral or highly intelligent creatures.
- Questionable: Likewise, a feral creature may not speak.
- Valid: Even if it’s a mythical creature, John’s design is coherent with an adult dragon representation in TTRPG.
To make this drawing valid, contextual details will need to be added to make John's intelligence apparent. For example, adding a mage study as background or putting glasses on John will do the trick.

What Defines Complex Character Designs?

Complex character designs define a character whose design contains numerous details that need to be represented in the artworks, like a complex gown full of ribbon and fold or hair combed in an intricate and gravity-defying way. Complex character designs may also apply to characters with a normal amount of details but with complex shapes like extra limbs or large wings.In the example of John the Dragon, if John only has a pair of glasses, a pointy hat and normal-sized wings for his size he doesn't fall into the Complex Characters case. But if you had books and scrolls to his belt, flowing tunics and complex jewelry on his claws and horns he would fall in it.

How Do I Determine if My Idea Falls Under 'Extreme Fetish' Content?

If you ask yourself this question, there is some chance you will fall into it! Joke aside, I call extreme fetishes all fetishes based on altering the character integrity (vore, hard SM,...) or the usage of non-sexual-related body fluids.
I don’t mind drawing the fetishization of body parts (rimming, feet, etc…) or more spicy things like toys or mild bondage.
If you have any doubts, don’t mind asking!

What Happens If My Character Doesn't Pass the Harkness Test?

It depends, if you want SFW art, everything’s fine and I’ll be happy to work with you!
If it was for NSFW art, well… you can alter the design to follow the guidelines or choose another character, sorry!

Can I Share the Commissioned Artwork on Social Media or Other Platforms?

Of course! You can tag me too! There’s some chance I’ll leave a nice comment too =p

Is There a Limit to the Number of Revisions Allowed in the Commission Process?

Yes. I understand that I can’t nail the art on the first try but I can’t just take a lifetime working on one artwork too… The limitation is mostly made so we both work together toward a common ground as the artwork nears its completion. I can’t make the art as perfect as it is in your head (I can’t even do this with the image in mine x)) but I can make it as close as possible!

What's your policy regarding cancellations, and under what circumstances are refunds considered?

I can understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned, so here’s my take on cancellations. First things, discuss it with me. I’m no monster and depending on the situation we may find solutions for both of us. If no solutions are found, understand that I can’t deliver the final artwork or its current form and won’t work on it anymore.For refunds, I will only consider refunds on ongoing artwork. Once the piece is delivered and the final payment received, my work is done and that’s it.
In the case of refunds for a non-finished artwork, I can envision two cases:
- The problem is on my side. For some reason I can’t deliver your commission promptly. In this case, I will contact you and you will be refunded your full deposit and I will excuse myself a lot.- The problem is from your side. Well… as always we can talk about it and maybe find a better solution. But understand that I may have already poured time into your art and I can’t get it back now, so no refund of your deposit is possible.